Ronnie Brown x Erica Kane – Something For The Train

December 3, 2013

Visuals for Queens, N.Y. MC Ronnie Brown’s “Something for The Train” song which features lovely vocals by Queens, N.Y. MC/Singer Erica Kane. Be sure to download “After THE IRONY” at to get this song and more!!!

Sometimes people are so quick to judge a person and you may not know what they might be going through. As a NYC native and subway rider I witness this judgement happen all of the time. If there’s one thing you notice when you ride the train is every ear is filled with headphones, and for that short time of traveling people have no worries.

This video is to encourage others to know that no matter how hard things may get, keep your head up and get right back on track and ride the train of life until the wheels for off!!!

Ronnie Brown can be found at:
Twitter & Instagram: @ImRonnieBrown

Erica Kane can be found at:
Twitter & Instagram @Baddaughterkane

Music video was shot by Mystigity …You can find Mystigity at @mystigity on Instagram